Sunday, September 29, 2013

Call Me Square

 Once upon a time... before I got into all of this fashion/ Urthy Churchy People
- stuff I actually was a full time musician (...or so I thought ) ....Once I started getting into the music biz, I realised that well... the Music Biz aint exactly "Family Friendly”.. And not only that... but them industry people are CRAY-ZY! Eventually I came to the conclusion that I don't REALLY need to be famous...
 that bad at least.

...and Whhell,  I am preeettttty content with just singin in CHURCH. 

Call me square. 
Anyhoo, I still jam around from time to time. Mostly with in the 4 walls of my own home, to myself, while baby is sleeping. On this particular day I had a song called “My God Is Awesome” in my mind...  I decided I would try to figure out how to play and sing it because I was feeling like


 At any rate, Welcome to my Morning Jam session. .......................................................

(oh and Please excuse my hair...aaaand also the ending of the video. ha! )

