Wednesday, July 1, 2015

There is a bandwagon going around, that is falsely titled "LOVE"- and I'm not hopping on it.

 I won't accept that I am a person of "hate" because I choose to stand for Gods Eternal Plan, and I won't fall for the whole #LoveWins hashtag thing, that implies that I am the Devils side? (--- uh, hello if that isn’t backwards?) ...  If I’ve ever seen mans philosophy mingled with some scripture, (*ding, ding, ding) it surely is now.... and well, to be honest I won’t even debate with those who really think that “Love vs. Hate” is what this whole marriage ruling thing is about. For me, this isn’t about “Love vs. Hate" at all. (I mean seriously, would anyone really be foolish enough to engage in a debate about "LOVE" vs."HATE"? ) 
For me, this is about two things: 

1. A Governments ruling that effects society
2. Gods will vs. Mans will

While there is plenty of social, and scientific evidence to support why I feel so strongly that this new marriage ruling thing is a poor decision on the government’s part, I won't share it.  I'll spare y’all those reasons (because frankly, there’s enough information out there on those aspects of the ruling).  Aaaaaand at the end of the day, for ME, the scientific and social matters are the lesser (if that’s a word) of reasons, as to why I chose, and choose to share my stand on the Supreme Courts ruling for Gay Marriage.

 For ME, and again I state "FOR ME" this is about
 MY relationship with God.

Initially when the ruling took place, I didn’t want to get involved.  I didn’t want to be attacked, and I didn’t want to deal with all the drama that inherently comes with the topic.... Buuuuut after enough (and I mean ENOUGH lol) rainbow facebook swipes, and #LOVEWINS hashtags I felt very strongly that I needed to say something.  ( ..which P.S. I def have to give y’all on the other side some credit for that- #HELLO talk about  an #INTERNETTAKEOVER - there was no denying that y’all were happy! gawh!! lolol ) – But anyway, back to what I was saying... I really felt strongly that I needed to say something... and here is why...

 I couldn’t escape what kept coming to my mind.  I tried to fall asleep that night of the ruling, and I just couldn’t... (and lets just say, it wasn't because I am currently NINE. UNCOMFORTABLE. MONTHS.. #thatsanotherpost ... but man, I just tossed and turned, and tossed and turned, ..... and it was because what kept coming to my mind was this:

"... but Heather you KNEW ME .... You had such a strong testimony of ME...You understood my ETERNAL plan... and you sat, and you watched and you said nothing at all ....”

And I just couldn’t shake that thought. I couldn’t imagine the Lord saying that to me. I felt as though, if I said nothing at all, that I would be denying him. And so, the next morning I woke up and decided that I should say (or in facebook terms “share”) something.

Now don’t get me wrong, that is what I FELT. And I emphasize the “I”, because I
don’t want to imply that everyone should, will, or needs to feel that way. But for ME in MY heart that is what spoke to me.  And so... I posted what I supported. Which is traditional Marriage between a Man and  Women.  I changed my profile picture to a “Traditional” (and might I add *ethnic lol) wedding cake topper

( which was hard  to find BTW) and I took the heat of a few (not so bad) debates... (p.s. "Thank You" to all of y'all that respectfully shared your opinions and comments) 

You see, FOR ME, talking about this subject, and stating what I believe, is MY way of showing my Heavenly Father that I will STAND for him.  It's NOT because I think that I am better than any gay person. It's NOT because I think that my love is any stronger than any lesbian woman. And it’s definitely NOT  because I think that I am sooooo righteous that I “deserve” marriage!  (Hello, half the time I can’t even get to church on time #DefinitelyNotThatRighteous.)    

 I shared my stand because my Heavenly Father has done too much for me. I shared my stand, because I want the world, my children, and my Heavenly Father, to KNOW that I will stand for HIM.  I shared my stand, because I refuse to “sit on the fence” and watch the world tell my Heavenly Father that HIS Eternal Plan isn’t good enough....That is what this debate is about for me. It's about standing up for HIM. It's about showing my family, that we are unwavering in our beliefs. And ultimately it's about so, so, sooooooo much more than a cliche (pretty catchy) hashtag ..... So I don't know... I don't know where that leaves me? Maybe that makes me a “hater”. Maybe that makes me and outcast? Maybe I lost a few of my " friends" for my opinion?- I don’t know? But to be honest, at the end of the day, if that labels me a ”hater” in this everchanging, "un-defined" world that we are living in today ...
 well.. then..
      - I’m okay with that.


LOVE (lol) 

Click on the Link Below to see more about what we believe! :

1 comment:

  1. Heather! Thank you so much for writing this. It is beautiful! Heartfelt, genuine, real. You have been a great example to me in this!
