Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Summer Kimono goes Fall

Girls Night! This was the look I decided to go with. Inspired by Cara Loren. And P.S. That
 "Kimono" I'm wearing may or may not be a thrifted pajama cover. Ha Ha! Shhhhhh.

Bllouse: Sears
Purse: Thrifted
Necklace: Thrifted
Jeans: GAP Highwaisted 1969
Shoes: Zara
Kimono: Thrifted ( In the Pajama Section)

Here are a few Kimono Styling Ideas that I LOVE:
First is from 
Cara Loren: 
She is an awesome Style Blogger. And pretty much has all Modest Clothing 

And Second, is from a new Style Blogger: 
Emme Mangum
I predict shell be the next biggest modest Blogger :) She has some great taste!

Aaaaand a random Pintrest Person as well! I think this look is totally practicle! 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Pumpkin Patchin

Soooo we went to a pumpkin patch waaaaaaaaaaay up north ... in like Virgina or something?! Okay maybe not Virgina, but it was pretty far. It was a great family day, and of course we had to take some pictures!

#Selftimer #Noshame

This was the look I decided to go with. I kindof threw it together last minute, but it was a fun outfit to wear! I was totally inspired by Nicole Richie on pintrest, and thought I'd take a try at the head band thing. What do yall think?! 

Heres a few more fun headwraps as well:


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Plaid, Plaid, Plaid

Shhhheeesh! It has been a while since I have posted. I've  decided that my main focus  moving foward will be pictures... (not writing)! Hopefully that will allow me to post more? We shall see?.. Anyway, thanks to anyone who is actually still looking at my page! ha ha! Im going to do my best to keep up with it! 
Love yall!
- HP

Heres todays #OOTD

Winter calls for PLAID, and Ive got plenty of it! Here are a few looks from last week!

Shirt: Target
Jeans: Target
Jacket: Vintage
Shoes: Zara

Blouse: Nordsrom
Jeans: Target
Shoes: Old Navy
Cardigan: Thrifted

Here are a few more of my favorite Plaid looks from Pinterest!

(See all of them listed in my "Clothing" section on Pinterest)

And because I was so inspired by the whole plaid thing, it only made sense that I would post a few plaid items in the shop! Click on the link for purchasing!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Beautiful Weeds

Dedicated to my Father. I hope y'all enjoy this piece!

Beautiful Weeds
            From the tattered windows of my Father’s 1996 cherry red Toyota car, I can vividly remember as a young girl gazing out onto infinite fields of ugly weeds. It was typical for my father and I to be out driving on an endless desert road going to nowhere, because that’s what we did. We did road trips. And in that cubicle of a car, that they call a Toyota, I spent a great deal of time thinking about those fields of ugly weeds. On one specific car ride with my Father, I can remember turning to him and asking, “Dad, if someone said that they would shoot you, unless you pulled out all of those weeds out there, what would you do?”  In my concerned ten year old brain, nothing in life was worse than pulling dirty old weeds. Saturday morning chore experience had proved that. So to be faced with death or weeds was quite the complex question to be asked. And of course, underneath a somewhat diminutive chuckle my father replied, “Well, I guess I would start pullin’...”
            Without delay, I chuckled, and so did he, and on we went driving through miles and miles of hideous weeds. I guess you could say that ever since that day, I’ve looked at weed pullin’ a little differently. Maybe it wasn’t so bad after all? My Dad didn’t think it was, and because my Dad knew everything, I figured that at least weed pullin’ was better than death. Why I didn’t already know the answer to that silly question is still beyond me. All I know is that, in that ten year old world of mine, the answer that my Dad gave to me that day, was the answer that I needed.
            At one point, it was a tacky mint green striped minivan that we drove. It had mint green curtains, and mint green carpet, and mint green seat cushions, and well... mint green everything. It took us to pow-wows, and swap meets. It took us to beaches, and to parks. I guess you could say it took us anywhere that a mint green van could go. And inside that four wheeling palace of mint, many of my fondest childhood memories took place.
            On one occasion, while driving in that van, I can recall being sprawled out across the backseat of the car. Being the brat that I was, I demanded my “space”, or whatever that meant, on our longer road trips. And I can remember while late in the night, or should I say early in the morning, watching from within that sardine packed “space” of mine, my father. Through that maze of mint green curtains, and mint green cushions, and mint green everything, I began to notice something that I had never before noticed on a road trip with my father. Not only was Queens Greatest Hits growing louder and louder through that mint green cassette player of ours, but my father was simultaneously growing tired. 
            Maybe it was a swerve or two that gave his weariness away, or maybe it was the countless amounts of empty coke cans that covered the floor? I’m not quite sure? Alls’ I can I remember, was that in the seventeen hours that we had been out on the road, we hadn’t made many stops. And although I knew that our game called “drive- as- long- as- you- can –drive- without- stopping,” was pretty fun, to my dad at least, I also began to recognise that my dad’s driving was becoming somewhat doubtful. He was tired.
             Despite my diva-ness, and need for “space” in the backseat of that hideous van of ours, I somehow found it in my heart to crawl over all thirty of our one dollar value whopper meals, crappy luggage and junk, and take the front passenger’s seat next to my Dad. “Hey Dad,” I said “want me to help you stay up?” he smiled, and so did I. And then we did what we always did on those tortuously long road trips of ours. We talked.
            We talked, and we talked until we couldn’t talk anymore. About what, I’m not sure? I just know that we loved to talk. That’s what we did on road trips. And on the rare occasion that we ran out of something to talk about, we played games. We played what- are-you- thinking games, and what –rhymes- with- Albuquerque games, and make- an- analogy- out of- whatever I tell you- games. They were always pretty fun. The game maker-upper was usually the winner, and the rules were ever changing, but regardless we loved our games.
            Other times we sang. Mostly, our very own made up harmonies to, “Earth Wind and Fire”, and “Cool and the Gang”. Whoever they were? And when Dad was tired of being an air drum professional, and when I decided I didn’t want to be Mariah Carey anymore, than we would count. We counted stars, and raindrops, and trees, and signs, and cars, and bumper stickers, and clouds, and animals. We counted everything. Everything that could ever possibly be counted.
              I loved my Dad. I love my Dad. I know my Dad. 
And he knows me.
            Two thousand one hundred and thirty two miles now separate my father and I. That once tacky mint green colored van is now a fancy- shmancy metallic blue Nissan. Cassette tapes are now trendy iphone covers, and those one dollar whopper meals ...are well, still one dollar whopper meals? Needless to say, while all the world around me has considerably changed, I have noticed that collectively over the years those retarded made up games, and late night conversations with my father, have stayed. Odd as they were, they somehow shaped me. They somehow taught me the value of life. They somehow showed me what real relationships are. And they somehow taught me what happiness means for families in eternity. And while I don’t know how many road trips I have left, if any, with my father in this life. And while I still haven’t found any word that rhymes with Albuquerque, I do know one thing, and that is for sure, I love those beautiful weeds. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Life is FUN

Today, my hubby, ever so kindly, reminded me that life is supposed to be fun! Guess I’ve had so much on my plate that I have been a bit of a “pill” lately.  (which p.s. it’s good thing he didn’t saythat)
......... #ormaybehedid
Anyway... this one is for you hubby... here’s to lightening up!

....This look is super easy! Anyone can pull it off. Just tear some jeans, throw on a white tee,
mash on some red lipstick, and grab a local thrift store flannel.
botta boom. batta bing. You’re set to go!

Now someone go and get me  that EASY button! 

My Child is my Reflection

It’s impossible for me to do basics without spicing it up with something!
 And so- today, finally, after 2 years of hoarding, I wore this beautifully hand carved African vintage necklace! Today just seemed fitting?
 Who knows?

Anyway...While on our way to church we passed the most beautiful lilac brick wall, and so, of course, without delay, we had to make the most of it! #hubbyhasbeenmadeintoaphotographer#wemakethemostofeverycoolwall

I hope you all had a wonderful Mothers Day!

aaaaaandddd  this is my mothers day thought...
(which is a combination of what speakers said ...and then re’said by me..)
.. A mother’s love for her Heavenly Father is reflected, and perfected, in her children....

Saturday, May 10, 2014

I Believe in Seeds

I Believe in Seeds

              You would think, that in the thirty years that I have existed on this beautifully lush planet, that at some point I would have at least taken the time to grow some kind of vegetation; perhaps a fancily jarred pot of basil, a sweet daisy or two, some oregano ...or even a plain old tomato for crying out loud?!! But no, contrary to popular belief, even being the avid salad eater that I am, I have never grown a plant. As a matter of fact, those once in a lifetime white, long- stemmed, expensive Roses I got for Mothers Day last year, lasted about three freaking days. Sad, but true; I just don’t have a green thumb. It’s in me somewhere I know it, but as for now, I’ll just accept the fact that my thumb is too busy wiping butts and scrubbing stains to be determined that it is any color. I am sure it’s an insult to my small town Grandmother, who spent most of her lifetime farming filled peas, or even to my husband who was positive that he married the next Martha Stewart, but well, it is what it is: I have never grown a plant. And while, I have sadly never actually planted any type of... anything really?... I still know how to grow one, and I still believe in seeds.

                I’m sure I learned somewhere around the age of five that when you put a seed into some dirt, I mean soil, and add a little sunshine and rain, that- that something will grow..............................................

........ If I’m not mistaken somewhere in that process is the word “wha-lahh!”, and it is at that point that the reward of the planting, and nurturing process are unveiled! Oh the power of seeds. They bring forth such wonderful miracles. How amazing that something so miniscule can change and grow into something so wondrous! 

                                                                   Isn’t it amazing?!

         While planting seeds in the dirt may not have been my forte in life, I still know a thing or two about how to grow them. As a matter of fact, seventeen months and 5 days ago the best seed I’ve ever known was planted IN me. With less of a “wha- lahh” and more of a “ whaaa- whaaa” sound, an 8 pound 12 ounce, blacked haired little baby boy unveiled himself  to this world, and was placed gently into my clumsy un-Motherly arms. How could it be, that this once tiny seed in me, was now a living breathing functioning human? With rosy red cheeks, and wildly curly hair, that “once upon a time” seedling amazingly grew inside of me.
                Do you ever wonder? Why the Lord chose seeds? Why did the human race come to pass through such little minuscule grain like things? Why didn’t the human race just come to existence by way of command?  I mean, to be honest my hips could have legitimately spared a few pounds... I mean seriously, Heavenly Father could have just thrown us into this world, but of all ways, our Heavenly Father chose to bring about society, by growing people... inside of people?!! Have you ever thought about that?!

             From those first twelve repulsive weeks of nauseated pregnancy, to the dreadful miracle of birth, I have often wondered why and how that once, tiny dot on paper, grew inside of me. I suppose these seeds that are innately planted in us, are there to teach us of one thing, and that is of him: the Father, the Creator, and the Master. How else could we understand his matchless power? For it is through his seeds that we practice our faith. It is through his seeds, that we are able to understand the power of our Heavenly father, and it is through his seeds that we are allowed a portion of the power of creation.

                How astounding that our almighty father in Heaven has lent us the power to create! Not only has he designed us as humans to carry his literal seed, he has given us everything that we ever needed to survive in this world, by giving us seeds!!! Oh the wonder of seeds, and how we must care for them. For it is through tiny, microscopic seeds that the Lord reveals himself to us. 

              And well, from the fresh Atlanta trees, to the perfectly wrinkled newborn children born every mili-second, of every hour, of every day...

                                                                 I believe in seeds.

                                                                  - Heather Parker


Sunday, April 27, 2014

The African Indian

Some days just call for awesome African skirts. Okay, most days do. And because I am Heather, and I love all things cultural, today was that day! I have been dying to wear this African slash vintage skirt of mine, and today just felt like the right day to wear it! I would write more, but I am exhausted, (as I am currently on tour)... but I wanted to just say... Heavenly Father is amazing! I have a firm testimony that he is very much involved in the details of our lives.... Hope y’all are having a wonderful Sabbath! I will post more as soon as I can! Love y’all! ... and Thanks for stopping by!!!!

Skirt: African vintage find
Tee Shirt: Random Savers find
Shoes: Target
Purse: vintage find

Belt: Ross


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mickey Mouse Club House inspired me.....

....Mickey was having “do- all of-your- favorite- things- day” yesterday. So then I decided I would have my own day too ... 

“wear-all- of-your-favorite-things-that- you- thrifted- last- week-day” ha!

So here you have it!

Striped shirt: Thrifted (by DIVIDED: A Nordstom brand)

Comfy Shorts: Thrifted (Elastic waistbad= IN LOVE)

Red Lipstick: MaryKay

Clutch: Thrifted

Platform shoes: Shoe Carnival (yes shoe carnival of all places!)

Total= Happy, Comfy, and MEEEEEEEEE!

The best part is.......
Love y’all! Thanks for stopping by!

-          Heather Parker

We also went to a BBQ For a good Friend of ours named Sebastian! It was the perfect FHE!
Heres some of the ATLCrew! Love yall!

( my lipstick and heels came off by then.. lol)