I Believe in Seeds
would think, that in the thirty years that I have existed on this beautifully
lush planet, that at some point I would have at least taken the time to grow
some kind of vegetation; perhaps a fancily jarred pot of basil, a sweet daisy
or two, some oregano ...or even a plain old tomato for crying out loud?!! But no,
contrary to popular belief, even being the avid salad eater that I am, I have
never grown a plant. As a matter of fact, those once in a lifetime white, long-
stemmed, expensive Roses I got for Mothers Day last year, lasted about three
freaking days. Sad, but true; I just don’t have a green thumb. It’s in me
somewhere I know it, but as for now, I’ll just accept the fact that my thumb is
too busy wiping butts and scrubbing stains to be determined that it is any
color. I am sure it’s an insult to my small town Grandmother, who spent most of
her lifetime farming filled peas, or even to my husband who was positive that
he married the next Martha Stewart, but well, it is what it is: I have never
grown a plant. And while, I have sadly never actually planted any type of...
anything really?... I still know how to grow one, and I still believe in
sure I learned somewhere around the age of five that when you put a seed into some
dirt, I mean soil, and add a little sunshine and rain, that- that something
will grow..............................................
........ If I’m not mistaken somewhere in that process is the word
“wha-lahh!”, and it is at that point that the reward of the planting, and
nurturing process are unveiled! Oh the power of seeds. They bring forth such
wonderful miracles. How amazing that something so miniscule can change and grow
into something so wondrous!
Isn’t it amazing?!
planting seeds in the dirt may not have been my forte in life, I still know a
thing or two about how to grow them. As a matter of fact, seventeen months and 5 days
ago the best seed I’ve ever known was planted IN me. With less of a “wha- lahh”
and more of a “ whaaa- whaaa” sound, an 8 pound 12 ounce, blacked haired little
baby boy unveiled himself to this world,
and was placed gently into my clumsy un-Motherly arms. How could it be, that
this once tiny seed in me, was now a living breathing functioning human? With
rosy red cheeks, and wildly curly hair, that “once upon a time” seedling amazingly
grew inside of me.
Do you
ever wonder? Why the Lord chose seeds? Why did the human race come to pass
through such little minuscule grain like things? Why didn’t the human race just
come to existence by way of command? I
mean, to be honest my hips could have legitimately spared a few pounds... I mean
seriously, Heavenly Father could have just thrown us into this world, but of all
ways, our Heavenly Father chose to bring about society, by growing people...
inside of people?!! Have you ever thought about that?!
From those first twelve repulsive weeks of nauseated pregnancy,
to the dreadful miracle of birth, I have often wondered why and how that once, tiny
dot on paper, grew inside of me. I
suppose these seeds that are innately planted in us, are there to teach us of one
thing, and that is of him: the Father, the Creator, and the Master. How else
could we understand his matchless power? For it is through his seeds that we practice
our faith. It is through his seeds, that we are able to understand the power of
our Heavenly father, and it is through his seeds that we are allowed a portion of the power of creation.
How astounding that our almighty
father in Heaven has lent us the power to create! Not only has he designed us
as humans to carry his literal seed, he has given us everything that we ever
needed to survive in this world, by giving us seeds!!! Oh the wonder of seeds,
and how we must care for them. For it is through tiny, microscopic seeds that
the Lord reveals himself to us.
And well, from the fresh Atlanta trees, to the perfectly
wrinkled newborn children born every mili-second, of every hour, of every day...
believe in seeds.
- Heather Parker