Sunday, March 30, 2014

I Stole This Necklace ....

...from my brother’s closet, because that’s what siblings do, so really I was just exercising one of my sibling rights. Plus he’s on a mission, and I’m the one that gave him this necklace... so I rightfully stole. Don’t you agree? Ha. JK, don’t worry I am going to repent, and give it back. I actually took it so that I could wear it on the Sunday Best show #ifImakeit (sort of like a good luck charm) But I couldn’t help but to put it on today. So here it is. I decided that camo would work with it... why? I dunno? But this outfit works for me is some weird kind of Heather way!

ooooooh and also! Tomorrow is my brother Micaels Birthday! 
Who is serving a mission in New York right now. You all should write him a message! ( He would love it!!!!)
Here is his address:

Well today I was absolutely exhausted! Last week I was in North Carolina, yesterday I was in California, on Tuesday I was in Las Vegas, and now I am in Georgia!!! (Isn’t that crazy?!) No wonder I was dozing off on the stand today.#choristerproblems Despite the fact that I was super tired, I managed to learn a thing or two in church today. In Young Women’s we talked about repentance and how it brings us closer to the Lord, and ultimately brings us happiness. And while I was listening to the teacher I was thinking that repentance is a lot like running. .. The hardest part about running... is, well... the actual running part. – Right? I mean seriously, who likes to run? It pretty much sucks the whole entire way.  But the way we feel after running, feels great! My endorphins are always so high, or whatever (?), after a good jogg (I mean, don’t endorphins go high or low or something?) ... bottom line, I think that repentance can be the same way. The hardest part about repenting... is, well... repenting! A lot of that process (especially if you are working on some major thangs) ain’t fun... Sometimes the "end of the trail" seems like it will never come. But if we consistantly exercise our RIGHT to repent, then we will be greatly blessed. I know it. I have a testimony of it....and now you should all go and REPENT! lololol ( aaaaand I should probably return this necklace- ha ha) ok- The End. That’s my Sunday thought! I hope that you all are having a wonderful Sunday! I have some catching up to do on the blog! I will work on it this week!
Jean Blouse: Lands End ( Sears)
Necklace: Thrifted ( Provo Savers)
Skirt: California Swap meet
Boots: Thrifted
Clutch: Thrifted

Here is a talk on repentance ..  (click on word) just incase summah y'all have some confessin to do! lolol. 

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