Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tacky is the New Cool. Duh.

For whatever reason I just love homemade sweaters!!!! People may poke fun, but I actually love them, and I don't care!!!! I mean seriously-somebodies Heart and Soul went into making those tacky sweaters out there...  so finding them is like gold to me! I am all about making tacky things cool... #whichisawholenuthapost...  Anywhoo I thought I would do a few looks with this years Halloween sweater.. Hope you like what I came up with!  (  oh ..and PS if you have any homemade sweaters that you don't want anymore... you can send em right on down to me! ... consider me the sweater rescuer!!!)

Skirt is from TARGET! 
Shoes: Platoes Closet
Necklace: Vintage exchange

Leggings: Burlington
Shoes: Target

Wedged Boots are great for Moms that dont want to fall! lol. 

Hair in a High Bun Creates a More Casual look.

                                                              Leggings: Burlington
                                                                     Boots: Target

Jeans: American Eagle
Shoes: Vintage BCBG

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Overly Festive Mom

Holidays are so much funner ( <---yes I know that's grammatically incorrect) with kids! Kids allow you to feel fine about being as "corny" as you want to be (... and us Moms sure do like to be Corny). We have a million crafts, and decorations, and our husbands think we are "on one" when we stress out about coordinating every detail of each costume. At the end of the day us Moms know its worth it, and that all that time and effort ain't for nuthin! We know that years and years down the road when our kids grow up and move out that they (and we) will be so glad we forced them to take pictures, and that we made them do all of those overly festive crafts.

 I am beginning to learn that a great portion of taking on the role of "Mom" is CREATING a fun and memorable childhood... because these moments are more than costumes... they are more than candy, they are memories..

 ..and well, when I really think about it.. maybe part of why we Moms do all of this overly festive stuff  we do, is  because our Moms once made us do it too.. and we are able to re -live a portion of our fondest childhood memories through our children... 

( just some food for thought!)

At any rate I am super excited  this year, because I finally have a child  to decorate!!!! 
..which means: 
1. I have a great excuse to try and get all of the Reeses Pieces candy I can,
 2. I can be as "Over the top" as I want to be! YIPEEE! 

I hope y'all are as excited as me. Here are a few pre- halloween pix!

 We wore this to the trunk or treat this weekend! 

Can you guess what Tred was?! LOL

Yes Maam! Ugly Sweater and all! I LOVE these home made sweaters!!!

( I am going to do a style post on this sweater as well!)

The Parker FAM BAM  Halloween 2013
#pumpkinorama !

A little family shot before we went to the trunk or treat! Antioni for sure had the coolest Shirt of the night! That pumpkin actually lights up!!!!!! #thriftingbenifits!

Saturday, October 26, 2013


And now that I have preached to you all about why you shouldn't cut your hair, I have gone and cut mine. I cant lie, I am pretty excited about it! lol. So much for my own advice. Here's a few pix of the new look! :) ( I think Tred is still trying to figure out if I am his Mom lol)

           Ive been wanting to do a look like this for a while now. Something Bohemian and " URTHY."
I was super inspired by HellhoundVintage (an Etsy store) O gurl def. has it goin on! WE on the same style page yo.
.. And I always love a good bell bottom! I scored these FREE PEOPLE bell bottoms recently at a vintage exchange place. Here's a *tip Anything FREE PEOPLE  ( Click on link to go to store) is high quality, (they are one of my favorite brands!) ***So if you ever see something FREE PEOPLE at a thrift store- GRAB IT! ( the jeans probably retail at 200.00! - I scored them for 8.50) The blouse is an African DISHIKI, ( you can easily find these online, and on etsy..I provided the link) and the shoes are Guess Boots. They are wedges, which are perfect, because I CAN NOT walk in heals while holding  my son to save my life! 

Here are a few pics from my style Inspiration. Hellhoundvintage SHE HAS AMAZING STUFF! 

( Click on link to see her shop)

And Here is My Version of what she inspired! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Us women... we always gotta be reinventin ourselves... and Why?,.. Who knows? We just get sick of what we look like I guess?...
Which isn’t ALWAYS a bad thing...I mean... Mom- seriously, I can’t lie your hair was kinda CRAZY in the 80s!  

So I guess for some “Change” is good...

.................................................but for some it’s not.

 And if there is one thing I know...

 it is that: If you’re not ready to be in a long term...  committed relationship, then don’t do it! 

Don’t cut your hair.
I know what you need. 
You need a change.

So let me SAVE you....

I’ve learned this lesson over and over in my life... and I have found a solution to the never ending hair crises that every women experiences
.. And so here’s the Solution:

 .......................... you ready.........................?


Seriously... New Eye shadow or lipstick can really give you that change you are looking for! It’s something subtle and non permanent... and it gives that liiiiitttttllle bit of punch you may be craving 


If that’s not enough...

 And if you have tried every eye shadow and lipstick color you could ever think of.................... Ever

And you still can’t stop thinking about that are a few of my "Heather" Check list items to be sure It’s a good decision:

1.       Can you maintain it ...................................................................DAILY?
2.       How many of your outfits will your new hair match... or make look better?!
3.       How long will it take to grow back if you hate it?
4.       Have you seen someone that looks similar to you with the same cut?
5.       Are you confident in your Stylist?

Bottom line...  Try not to cut your hair! ....
But if you have good answers to all these questions, have tried all the makeup in the world... and just plain can’t resist anymore... well then... do whatcha gotta do.............

But don’t say I didn’t warn you! :)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Girls need Girlfriends

I can get along with just about anyone, I honestly I really like lots of people... but there have only been a few people here in Atlanta that I have reeeeaaaallly connected with. As lame as this sounds it’s way hard to make girlfriends when you’re a Mom! You have kids that take up your WHOLE LIFE, a home to run, and well... I guess different priorities than the young single girls you use to hang out with. #Iainttrienagototheclub.

 And.. Ya.. ya.. There are always the ladies at church to hang out with... but if you don’t connect with them, then what? How are we supposed to make friends? Instagram can’t be the only answer?!!! #guilty
Anywhoo...Making girlfriends can seriously be so HARD. It’s almost like looking for a boyfriend or something? I swear it’s the weirdest thing?!? Its like- you think to yourself... Does she work out, does she shop, does she have kids, does she like the things I like, will her husband get along with my husband??.. Blah. Blah. Blah. You know what I’m saying right? Bottom line Girls need Girlfriends... and well I guess you could say I’ve been lookin around! Lol.
Long story short I found a girlfriend!

Yaaaaaaaye! Her name is Pomai! We started school together a few weeks ago. We are both doing the BYU Idaho Pathway program. We ended up meeting in class and we have since figured out that we have a TON in common! She is a Mom of 3, strong in the Gospel, is married to an Accountant, and is Polynesian!!! How crazy?! For those of you that don’t know... My husband is Polynesian, and is also an accountant... and I happen to be really into health and fitness! ...And Both of us are living in the most Random Places of all Places


So to sum it all up, she is  like the perfect girlfriend for me! Loll!
Well, since I am always triena scout a model...I couldn’t resist but to ask her to model for my little store! You will definitely be able to see why. She is just absolutely beautiful, and I’ve decided she seriously needs to be the official model and face of


Well I won’t keep you are some of the shots from the shoot. It was crazy having all the kids running around while we were shooting, but it was so much fun! I am so grateful she was willing to help a sista out, and better yet
 I am just thankful to have found a GIRLFRIEND!
Hope you enjoy!
Most of these pieces are currently available at the shop!

( link and general sizes provided below each pic!)

Will fit sizes S-M

Will fit Sizes M-XL

Will fit sizes S-M

Will fit sizes S-L

Will fit sizes S-M

Will Fit Size M

Here are a few more items that are not yet listed! (They will be soon!) You can email ( On Etsy) if you are interested in one .. or some ..of them! :)

Will Fit Size S-M

Will Fit Sizes M- L

Will Fit S-M

Will Fit M- XL

Pomais Sweet little kids! They wanted to shoot too!!! 
#mayjustneedsomekidmodelssoon .....

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Between wiping Butts, and scrubbing Stains

        I won't go into too much detail about all of my favorite moments of conference, because that would be waaaaayy too much. But I will tell you, that I always LOVE the talks that motivate MOTHERS. I personally need to hear them. I tend to be sooo ambitious that I sometimes forget, that the most important work that I will do in this life, is with in the walls of my own home. Careers are great, money is good, but being a GOOD Mom, and raising my family in a Christ centered home is what is most  important. Being a "Mom" is so much more, that being a "Mom." I mean being a MOM is a reeeeeaaaaalllly important thing. It is what we as women are ordained to do. We are pretty Divine!
And sometimes, well... between wiping butts, and scrubbing stains, I need reminders. So thank you conference speakers for reminding me, that what I do matters. Cause Lawd knows I got a Soldier to raise down here, and I cant forget it! 

Here is one of my Favorite talks ! 
 ( Mormon or not Mormon this is wonderful council)
Click on the link to watch

by Elder Todd F. Christopherson
Quorum of the Twelve

For those of you that don't know what conference is, it is world wide broadcast  for Mormons, where we receive council from our Church leaders, the Apostles and the Prophet:
  Thomas S. Monson. 
You can see and read this weeks conference by clicking on this link:
During conference we enjoy listening to many speakers.. and we get to stay at home in our PJ's and watch Church on TV !
Pretty cool right?!

and here is my " Sunday Best" Which actually went up in the shop, and sold almost instantly! Man! #yallbelovinsomechurchdresses

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Aint No Hoochie Mama

I LOOOVE FALL! ..And all things October. The pumpkins, the smells, the leaves changing... walking through Target. #Youknowits true#Webelovinthemtargetstrolls. Everything just makes me soooooo happy!  Well, with Halloween close by I decided I would try something new for my little Urthy Churchy People Esty Shop. I decided I would post some Heatha -fied Halloween costumes!!!!! Yaaaaa.....aaaaaye! Mainly because... #1 I am soooooo over hoochie mama Halloween costumes. #2 I have way too many crazy clothes in my house, that I need to sell before I am reported to the Hording people, and #3 I am all about MODEST, Unique, Affordable clothing!
So here is what I came up with... I didn’t have all the pieces to each of my ideas, so I decided I would draw them on instead. Because I am Heather. And I do things like that. I hope you like what I came up with. All are available for purchase at the etsy shop... (And seriously each of these are still way cute even AFTER Halloween) So go home hoochie Mamas... because Urthy Churchy People has way more cuter Halloween costumes than yours!!!!
#sothere #westilloveyou#wejustdontwanttoseeerryythang#andiknowthatlastsentencewasgramticallyincorrect


With out styling...

Who doesn’t love a good cave women costume?! This piece is so easy and comfortable! All of the accessories drawn, should be pretty east to find. The bone, the necklace etc. I’m sure Target has just about everything. This tunic is light weight, and sheer. It features an Empire waistline. (Which means it is flattering for your midsection) This particular item will easily fit sizes Xs- M ( and maybe some Larges) it’s going for 15.00 at my Esty shop! For direct purchasing click on the link below! 

with out styling...

.. And then there is this super cute Sailor looking vintage Dress. It will fit sizes XS-M. This dress has an elastic waist with ALOT of stretch. It is in Mint condition! Super cute even after Halloween. For styling all you would need to buy is a sailor hat #geezeimakethiseasyforyall  
This dress is listed for 25.00 @ the Etsy Shop
Click on link for direct purchasing/ measurements and details! 
Urthy Churchy People

with out styling.....

And then there was the infamous Tiger Costume! The best thing about this costume is that it is way comfy! This blouse is actually sized at a XXL. ( But I am a small and it still works on me!) Cute for maternity, or those that just want to be cute and chill.. All you need to add for accessories are ears. (Thank you Target ) Anyone really can achieve this look with just about any animal print...but mines mo betta! So go buy MINE MINE MINE! lol. Details and Measurements listed on the site. Item is going for 16.00 Click on the link for direct purchasing
Urthy Churchy People

with out styling...

And then we have MINNIE MOUSE! To die for..? Or to die for?! This is just so stinkin cute! You seriously can’t tell me any different. Dresses don’t get more perfect than this. This dress is Modest comfortable, unique and AFFORDABLE! Should easily fit sizes S-L. Billowy top and elastic waist. Free sized hip! 
Finding mouse ears should be relatively easy. I would think that anyone would be able to buy some from Disney Land or from some type of costume store. (...or if you’re cool like me, you can just try and make some..?) For Direct purchasing click on the link below. Dress is going for 25.00! #Stealofadeal
Urthy Churchy People

with out styling...

And Last but not least we have the old School Flight Attendant! 
Those are supposed to be cups on a tray in my hand! ha ha! #excusemydrawingskills
I seriously think this outfit would be way funny for Halloween. Not to mention it is the cutest dress, regardless of the holiday! For costume Styling I would just buy a tray and glue some cups to it... and then of course offer people drinks and pretzels all night. lolol! 
Dress would best fit sizes Xs-M. It is a shift cut, made of lightweight polyester, and features a Peter Pan collar #whichissuperinstylerightnow
For direct purchasing you can click on the link below!

Well thanks ya’ll for stopping by! I really believe that we can still be attractive, stylin modest women. I challenge all of you ladies out there to be the Hottest Modest Lady this Halloween! 
Love ya'll!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Summer is Gone

Its official. There is no denying it. Summer is gone, and Fall is in full swing. I took way too long to start this blog thing. My goal was to show some fun summer looks through out the summer..but that obviously didnt happen. #boo#imaprocrastinator. At anyrate, I thought I would share a few of my favorite summer looks.. So here they are! Hope you enjoy the Fashion Show!

( To purchase some of my vintage finds you can check out my vintage etsy store Urthy Churchy People  
....or you can catch some good deals on instagram @urthychurchypeople)

Love yall!
Heather Parker